
The coreapi.utils module provides a number of helper functions that may be useful if writing a custom client or transport class.

File utilities

The following classes are used to indicate upload and download file content.


May be used as a parameter with links that require a file input.

Signature: File(name, content, content_type=None)

An open file or other stream may also be used directly as a parameter, instead of a File instance, but the File instance makes it easier to specify the filename and content in code.


>>> from coreapi.utils import File
>>> upload = File('example.csv', 'a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n')
>>> data = client.action(document, ['store', 'upload_media'], params={'upload': upload})


A temporary file instance, used to represent downloaded media.

Available attributes:


>>> download = client.action(document, ['user', 'get_profile_image'])
>>> download.basename
>>> download.read()

By default the file will be deleted when this object goes out of scope. See the DownloadCodec documentation for more details.

Negotiation utilities

The following functions are used to determine which of a set of transports or codecs should be used when performing an API interaction.


Signature: determine_transport(transports, url)

Given a list of transports and a URL, return the appropriate transport for making network requests to that URL.

May raise NetworkError.


Signature: negotiate_decoder(codecs, content_type=None)

Given a list of codecs, and the value of an HTTP response Content-Type header, return the appropriate codec for decoding the response content.

May raise NoCodecAvailable.


Signature: negotiate_encoder(codecs, accept=None)

Given a list of codecs, and the value of an incoming HTTP request Accept header, return the appropriate codec for encoding the outgoing response content.

Allows server implementations to provide for client-driven content negotiation.

May raise NoCodecAvailable.

Validation utilities

Different request encodings have different capabilities. For example, application/json supports a range of data primitives, but does not support file uploads. In contrast, multipart/form-data only supports string primitives and file uploads.

The following helper functions validate that the types passed to an action are suitable for use with the given encoding, and ensure that a consistent exception type is raised if an invalid value is passed.


Signature: validate_path_param(value)

Returns the value, coerced into a string primitive. Validates that the value that is suitable for use in URI-encoded path parameters. Empty strings and composite types such as dictionaries are disallowed.

May raise ParameterError.


Signature: validate_query_param(value)

Returns the value, coerced into a string primitive. Validates that the value is suitable for use in URL query parameters.

May raise ParameterError.


Signature: validate_body_param(value, encoding)

Returns the value, coerced into a primitive that is valid for the given encoding. Validates that the parameter types provided may be used as the body of the outgoing request.

Valid encodings are application/json, x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream.

May raise ParameterError for an invalid value, or NetworkError for an unsupported encoding.


Signature: validate_body_param(value, encoding)

Returns the value, coerced into a primitive that is valid for the given encoding. Validates that the parameter types provided may be used as a key-value item for part of the body of the outgoing request.

Valid encodings are application/json, x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data.

May raise ParameterError, or NetworkError for an unsupported encoding.