
Any of the exceptions raised by the coreapi library may be imported from the coreapi.exceptions module:

from coreapi.exceptions import CoreAPIException

The base class


A base class for all coreapi exceptions.

Server errors

The following exception occurs when the server returns an error response.


The server returned a CoreAPI Error document.

Client errors

The following exceptions indicate that an incorrect interaction was attempted using the client.


The keys passed in a client.action() call did not reference a link in the document.


The parameters passed in a client.action() call did not match the set of required and optional fields made available by the link, or if the type of parameters passed could not be supported by the given encoding on the link.

Request errors

The following exceptions indicate that an error occurred when handling some aspect of the API request.


A response was returned with malformed content.


Raised when there is no available codec that can handle the given media.


An issue occurred with the network request.